Monday 16 April 2012

Just a short update.

I guess I should say sorry for not posting, but if the choice was between spending five bucks for a coffee and food at an internet cafe and keeping my kidneys (which are in excellent condition, by the way. Buy now, or before they're impaled on a tree somewhere!) exactly where they are, well, I'm going to take the route that involves me keeping my vital organs.

So I haven't gotten online much.

Sometimes I wonder how the fuck you people do this. I guess between the Organization or whatever the Proxies at least have a good source of income, (or something, are you sure you're not just some cult or something? Most businesses don't have a weekly quota of murders to fill.) but what about the Stalked? Not all of us can inherit millions from our gay best friends and I've learned to recognize cities by the sports playing in the backs of bars.

( At least they don't ask, right? )

They're a whole lot less suspicious than the cafes, anyway.

The weather is royally fucked up tonight, the car threatening to shake itself apart in the wind and the rain hitting like the chaotic beat of some shitty j-pop song, pon pon way way way except it's hail and raindrops the size of golfballs. McDonalds has free wi-fi now, did you know that? I'm at some 24 hour now, wondering if I should find somewhere at the edge of the plaza to crash for the night and see if I can break the record for most convoluted sleeping position ever attempted in the car, a competition in which I think I'm the sole participant and champion.

I guess... everything's pretty much normal here. Well, as normal as things can get. But your perception gets skewed after a while I guess. Nothing we can do about it, just learn to roll with the punches.

More to come whenever the fuck I feel like it. Good luck and stuff.

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